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Friday, October 05, 2007 

Quick Hits

Even Republicans can't stand the already much-maligned 2008 RNC logo (warning: not safe for your coffee). The GOP is getting off on just the right foot if they want to take the presidency, wouldn't you say?

Speaking of feet, Sen. Larry Craig is guilty, guilty, guilty, and he's now (if he wasn't before) a liar, since he's going to serve out his term. Don't judge him too harshly, however, since this will help the Dems take his Senate seat next year.

The Republican spin machine is working overtime to make sure you don't realize that Al Franken is outraising Sen. Coleman. (Thanks for the welcome back, MDE!)

President Bush doesn't care about uninsured children, so it's no wonder we haven't heard the words "compassionate conservative" in quite a while.

Fred Thompson, the GOP's great hope for next year...isn't such a big fan of public service. Memo to Fred: a person can get more done in a week in the Senate than most people hope to in their entire lives. I think it's worth someone asking Thompson if he's running for president for the pay bump from senator.

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