It takes quite a bit to get me to peek out of my shell these days, but this got me riled up.
MDE wrote a pair of posts earlier in the day about 911 calls regarding Keith Ellison. They were posts that are unfortunately typical of Mr. Brodkorb's blog - making insinuations that were as totally out of context to the events as one can imagine. These insinuations were dishonest, fear-mongering, and made me lose some of my remaining respect for MDE. They were not posts that he ought to be proud of.
Unfortunately, we've all come to expect this kind of stuff from MDE. It's nothing new, and it's nothing surprising. What
is new is that, according to Dan Weinand, Ellison's CD5 rival
Paul Ostrow's campaign manager is MDE's source.
This is the kind of thing that cannot be permitted in the DFL if it is to truly succeed in Minnesota. It makes us look like a whole party full of MDEs. We're not; the DFL is full of people who will rightfully be disgusted by this. Particularly pathetic is that the Ostrow campaign couldn't even do it right - in being exposed, they've probably sunk their campaign overnight. Many kudos to the pros at Ostrow HQ.
I'm not going to be quite as harsh as
MNCR, who says that Ostrow should be out of the party. Instead, I'm going to say that if Ostrow hasn't sacked Jason Amundsen by COB tomorrow, Ostrow should be out of the party. Absolutely no question that Amundsen should never, ever be hired by another DFL campaign.
With every post that MDE makes about the primary in the 5th, it becomes more and more apparent that the GOP is scared blind about the prospect of a Congressman Ellison. Unfortunately for them, they're about to find that their tactics have backfired once again.
MN Publius has more. This takes the situation from disgusting to sickening.
Technorati Tags: Keith Ellison Paul Ostrow MN-05